Women Supposed to be Confident without Makeup on As Well

On the day of my thesis defence i was trying to look different. I wasnt wearing any makeup on my face, no powder, no foundie, no blush, no lipstick, daily face mosturizer only. Since my thesis topic was about beauty construction and it found that beauty has narrow definition because of unrealistic standard spreading in our society.
Because this is us, love and respect our face and body. We--every woman--are beautiful in our own way and the quality of women is not by look, it's inside our heart and mind

From the text and interpretation of my informants that i analyzed said that the women who are considered as beautiful are women in makeup on. I know some women wearing makeup to cover our flaws, pleast ourselves, boost confidence, professional purpose or other purpose. I just want to encourage women to be confident with our bare face, not only at our house but we have to be confident also with our real face when we are outside the house.

 I know some cosmetic campaigns nowdays speak about beauty diversity but they still try to trap us in this beauty cosmetic industry. It is one of patriarcy and used by capitalist to make women not 100% free. We are lullabied by this cosmetic and stuff, including skin care. They make us worry about what we look without us knowing this, if we 'look bad' then we are bad person. That's a lie.

I feel like Im such a hypocrat because im talking about it but i still wear make up sometimes and discipline myself with those daily skin care stuffs. Hahaha i know, in this matter i only want to spread body positivy and encourage women to be confident. And i dont hate makeup or skin care use. Eventually, It's all up to us as women to choose freely our decision, either we wear or not wear. I just want to remind you and myself, Do not be a cosmetic slave, gurls. And be positive with our own body and face.

Because this is us, love and respect our face and body. We--every woman--are beautiful in our own way and the quality of women is not by look, it's inside our heart and mind


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