
Menampilkan postingan dari 2011

A girl named Elle from Melbourne :) :)

Happy Monday! Last night i was bored to da max so I decided to chat on and I met a girl, 14 years old from Melbourne her name is Elle. She told me that she always feels lonely, never been out, and her parents are too busy, what a poor girl. I was happy met her on omegle as you know the most people in omegle are horny but Elle is a good girl you know what I mean right? But she made me frightened when she started tell me about her imaginary friend really I was alone and it was 9.30pm. So, here's the conversation between me and Elle last night You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: hi Stranger: 14 f Stranger: u? You: 16 f. where r u from? Stranger: mwlbpurne Stranger: *melbourne You: what's your name? Stranger: u? Stranger: elle You: Indri. Nice to meet you :) Stranger: :) Stranger: where r u from? You: indonesia. do u know indonesia? Stranger: of course i know Stranger: i went there 2 years ago Stranger:
This is for the people that have given me shits

Damn! I Want These Stuffs

Please someone give me those cool T-shirts. Shit I like them! I like the most is the purple one by the way. Cute, cool T-shirts by Cash Cash Band. Love 'em :* <3 <3

Four Short Stories in One Post

Kemaren tanggal 8 November 2011 sekolah gue dipulangin lebih awal gara-gara blackout hahaha dipulangin pas 2jam sebelum istirahat ke-2. Sumpah dewa banget rasanya haha setiap hari aja kayak gitu, mati lampu. Untungnya remedial kimia jadi diundur deh haha. Oh iya tapi waktu itu pas mati lampu gue bener-bener kebelet pipis dan resenya di toilet samsek gak ada air trus gue pake air minum gue aja deh akhirnya buat.. haha you know lah, abisan gue udah gak tahan banget. Fenomenal banget emang ckck z Hari ini tanggal 9 November 2011 gue remedial kimia bareng beberapa temen gue. Gue sama temen gue udah bener-bener siap ngadepin soal-soal itungannya, gue belajar sampe malem sampe nangis segala lagi gara-gara belom ngerti. Oh iya gue remed tentang Termokimia. Pas istirahat ke-2 gue sama temen-temen gue yang lain remed, soalnya cuma 1 nomor dan sama semua. Gue sama temen-temen gue yang lain udah seneng duluan eh tapi pas dibacain soalnya jengjengjengjeng guess what soalnya sama sekali gak ke

Red Carpet Roundup! LA Premiere of Abduction!

Red Carpet Roundup! LA Premiere of Abduction!


yeeeey finally cash cash have released their new albun. their new album is Love or Lust hahaha and this video is the teaser of their new album. check this out well, so cool, right? i'm still in love with them. their songs are so chick. their first single is Victim of Love. Umm my favourite song is Victim of Love

I keep my promise

Waktu itu gue janji mau upload ttd Kim Kurniawan yang paling cute itu. Ini dia tanda tangan Kim. Voila So simple
Dear Kim, Hello kak Kim! How are you? This is Indri from Jakarta and i'm 15 years old. I'm your fan hehe Lemme tell you something. The first time i saw you on the TV, i was starstruck yeah i got a crush on you.LOL. I mean you got me impressed, especially your sweet smile and your hairs. I thought you were funny, easy going, and you were kind hearted person. Uh i like your style I have heard this quote: "Don't you love 'because of' but love 'even though' " And i thought so. Even though you can't speak bahasa fluently but i like your accent when you speak bahasa. Even though you're tiny (i'm sorry to say like that) but you're sooo cute. Even though you can't play football for Indonesian National Team but i always support you, i believe you'll play football for TIMNAS someday. I told my brother bout you, everything about you and i thought he envied you.LOL. Kak Kim you're so talented. you had a great talent to play

I Thought It Wasn't a Big Deal -_-

Hi long time no post on this blog :) Tadi di sekolah pas pelajaran b.indonesia gue kena sedikit masalah. ceritanya gini pas walikelas gue aka guru b.indonesia itu lagi ngebacain cerita (sebenernya cerita itu udah pernah dibaca minggu lalu)nah si shiela ngasih gue note gitu trus otomatis gue ngebales dong. setalah bales2an 2 kali, note nya itu diambil sama guru itu tadinya gue mau ngasih ke shiela trus ya gitu deh di malu2in dulu di kelas -_-. gue sempet bete trus yaudalah gue pikir masalahnya udah selesai. Setelah pulang sekolah gue ternyata dipanggil ke ruang guru bareng shiela mana waktu itu gue mau remed fisika. di ruang guru gue dinasehatin gitu trus gue iya iyain aja namanya juga di nasehatin. trus gue ngomong dlm hati 'yaelah masalah gitu doang dipermasalahin, lebe bener -_-' . oh iya shiela sempet bilang kalo kejadian itu adalah salahnya dia tapi itu guru nyalahan kita berdua.trus gue sama shiela minta maaf gitu trus janji gak bakalan di ulangin lagi.bete banget gue. tap

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